Saturday, December 5, 2009

Im a ballet dancer, shoudl i remove my calluses?

so i have calluses from when i used to dance barefoot...i dont really dance barefoot anymore, i mainly do ballet, so we always have shoes....and IF i ever do dance barefoot i wear the lil foot paws so yeah

oh and im a boy too so no pointe anytime soon...

Im a ballet dancer, shoudl i remove my calluses?tickets

i think it would be fine to remove them as long as you realized that if you do dance barefoot anytime soon, you will get blisters and it will hurt like a *****.

If you plan on dancing barefoot alot in the future, after you remove them they will just grow back anyways after you get a crapload of painful blisters.

but if your going to have them protected, you should be okay removing them.

happy dancing!


Im a ballet dancer, shoudl i remove my calluses?ballet opera theater

calluses protect your feet so don't remove them! Without them your feet will become raw and you will get blisters
You could remove them if the sight bothers you that much. Or get them buffed, it's an easier alternative. Buy a pumice stone and massage it after a shower. It will soften the calluses and made them appear like normal skin over time.
I wouldn't go peeling them off, it could rip the skin and cause blisters later. I heard soaking your feet in milk helps soften the skin. This website has tips for removing them naturally and safely...It's a step by step process. Check it out! Hope this helps.

No, there so great! keep them until you do get your pointe shoes, it will save your from nasty blisters, i mean they dont harm u unless your super consious about wearing fip flops, but i mean your a dancer so who cares!
supposedly having calluses protects your feet, and strengthens them if you know what i mean.

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