Saturday, December 5, 2009

Better technique in ballet??

im good in ballet, but i dont have very good technique. what can i do at home and in class to improve? i will do what it takes to get better!! thxxx =]]

Better technique in ballet??chinese theater

well, if your teacher ever corrects you like says something like straighten your knee or point you foot harder or Turn out your feet. Then keep those correcting running through your head all class even when you are done with class keep thinking about them. And every time you practice think of them and try to do those correctly. At home if you have room in you house you could practice the steps you have the most trouble with and do them slow but do them with perfect technique. Speed or how many piroettes you do doesn't matter as long a you do them with perfect technique. (but speed does matter when you are preforming!)This is a good way to get technique down.

I hope I helped!

Better technique in ballet??opera mini opera theater

Watch other people and pros perform, on like youtube or something, and look at the way they focus, and theyre arms etc.

Try and copy what theyre doing, or what it is theyre doing to look elegant and graceful, if you think theyre good.

I know its a bit of a crap answer but i hope it helps =]
How can you be "good" in ballet with poor technique? My advice would be to listen in class when your teacher corrects your mistakes (he/she should be doing this). Next, practice at home in front of a mirror so you can see what you look like and compare it to what you SHOULD look like. Feedback from your appearence and movement either from a teacher, fellow student or your mirror is essential. Good Luck.
"practice makes perfect".. not just a saying but a way of life!
Technique is something you need to learn from your teacher. He or she should be correcting you on exactly how to do the movements, and you should be applying those corrections immediately. That's how you get better; not by practising at home. Taking more classes also helps, because if you're only taking one a week, your body forgets everything it learned last week (I mean muscle memory, which is a key to having dance become second nature).
pointe ur toes and stretch ur feet! make sure u controll every move u make, smile, look like u know what ur doing even when u dont! make sure u feet are turned out and ur head is up, not looking down at ur feet. remember, PLEA is ur best friend! my teacher says "show off the diamond" (ur legs make the shape of one) good luck!
ballet is FOR improving your technique so you shouldnt be trying to improve for ballet let ballet inprove your technique for other forms of dance
watch closely to proffesional ballet dancers technique.

simple techniques......

1.squueeze your bottom in

2.stand up straight

3.point your toes.

4.tall neck.

5.head high

6.thighs squeezed together

7.beautiful graceful hands. strong yet graceful if its that kind of dance

10.suck in your stomach.

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