Saturday, December 5, 2009

How can I be a better ballet dancer?

I am 13 and weigh 117. My weight seems to fluxuate between 117 and 114. I am 5' 3" and I feel like I could be a better ballet dancer if I was less fat. Please dont be all ooh! you have anorexia. cus I go to my doctor regurlly ( sorry , I am a poor speller) and he says my weight is fine, and that I am not under weight. BUT when I sit down my stomach blubbers out sort of and my thighs are large. I dance for many hours each week but I cant seem to lose this flab or whatever. Are there any streches or things I can do to help me do this? and are there any ways I can become a better ballet dancer, and become more flexable and such? What type of things should I do?

your help is appricated! :)

How can I be a better ballet dancer?ballet theater

You are a growing teenager. Dieting and trying to lose weight will most likely do the opposite of what you want it to do. The weight restrictions in ballet are far more lax then years ago. The more you dance, the more muscle you will get, which leads to more weight. You NEED muscle in ballet. That's a good thing! I suggest if you are really uncomfortable with your weight, then eat healthy fruits, vegetables, and get some sort of protein, fiber, and calcium everyday. Continue your regular ballet routine and you will lose fat and gain muscle in the process.

Good luck and have fun in ballet!

How can I be a better ballet dancer?chicago theater opera theater

There is a little thing of belly fat on every girl's stomach that doesn't go away. It's there because otherwise your stomach would be to tight when pregnant.

Large thighs are probably just muscle.

Also weight doesn't necessarily mean anything. Muscle weighs more than fat and some people look the same weight but aren't.
I'm taking ballet too and I'm 5'4 and I weigh 125 lbs. If I were you Id eat less junk food (if you do) and eat healthier food or smaller portions. You should also practice extra hard to burn more fat/calories. You'll do great!
Well, i understand that you may want to lose weight. I ma 14, and i know that im not fat, but i can thelp feeling it sometimes. Remember that almost everyone sees themselves as much bigger than they actually are.

Sounds like you dont need to lose weight (anyway there are some AMAZING ballet dancers out there who are enormous!)you just need to tone up a bit!

Try doing sit ups, crunches, lunges and other exercises like that. These are best done in the morning as they kick start your metabolism.

This will tone your stomch so it is less flabby, but will not make you lose much weight at all.

Alos, no matter how much dancing you do, you need energy to do it, and you must either have inherited a low metabolism, in which case it cant be hepled, or you eat more that you can burn. (everone does a bit)

To become more flexible, do streches every night, such as doing the splits, sit down and out your feet together and press down the knees, warm up strectches, etc,

You cannot become a better ballet dancer by losing weight, but you just have to practise.

hope that helps, good luck! ps ballet rules x
I have this exact same problem, i am about your height and weight and i am 16. I dance almost every day and i do sit ups every morning, i dont think that there is any way to get rid of this "flab"..... i hate it when i sit down, but then i think.... there are a lot of people who would kill for my body (and yours!!!!) i think that the only thing to do is to learn to love yourself how you are...... every woman has this little bit of flab (my dance teacher calls it a pooch) i think that it is just part of being a woman......... sorry that whole answer doesnt really make sense but i hope i helped anyway..... email me at if you find a solution.........
I am 5'4" and I dance too. I weigh 104 pounds. We're probabaly about the same size, and everyone's thighs are big. Even mine, sorta. You have to build muscle, it will replace fat. Stretching will do almost nothing to get extra fat away, but it will get u the splits. I have my right, and I almost have my left. It took me... about a year to get them, but if you sit in your splits every day for five minutes, you'll get yours much faster than I did.
I would not try to lose weight you need energy to dance. If you practice and become serious about dance then you will get better. hop this helps
just do some sit ups to tighten your stomach and your not over weight. and for your ballet just keep practicing and maybe you should look at this website below:
im 11 years old, i weighed about 100 pounds when i started ballet, but after i stated doing stomach excirsises (i spell bad) I lost ALL of my belly fat and i am now a 70. So just do 80 sit-ups a day, and sleep on your stomach as much as possible.!!
don't try to lose weight, just try to tone up a bit. If you lose weight, you won't I . have the energy to be a good ballet dancer. Sorry, I don't exercise a lot, so I don't know how to explain any exercises, but maybe someone can help you tone your abs.
I agree with what everyone else said!

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